9 weeks gender predicted NIPTXY Kit now shipping across the globe. Cash on delivery.Made in USA, 100 Percent Accurate Baby Gender Predictor

Kit Results does not constitute a diagnosis, medical advice, treatment plan, or legal precedent.
9 Weeksfrom $700Shop Now
12 Weeksfrom $700Shop Now
6 Weeksfrom $1000Shop Now

MADE in USA, Shipping across globe

100 Percent Accurate Baby Gender Predictor

At NIPTXY, our utmost dedication lies in providing the most precise gender prediction outcomes. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that our results relies on a unique algorithm and should not be perceived as an absolute medical diagnosis.

Early Results

NIPTXY enables you to anticipate your baby’s gender earlier than conventional methods, empowering you to customize your pregnancy experience.

Non-invasive Procedure

The NIPTXY  is not only safe for both you and your baby, but it is also non-invasive, offering peace of mind.

Peace of Mind

Obtaining early knowledge about your baby’s gender can provide reassurance and empower you to proactively plan for the future.

Real talk from our real customers

NIPTXY represents an innovative prenatal gender prediction kit that harnesses an exclusive algorithm merging with state-of-the-art scientific progress. Our goal is to offer soon-to-be parents a trustworthy and practical method to unveil their baby’s gender at an early stage of the pregnancy experience.

NIPTXY predicted a boy, and that’s exactly what we’re having! It gave us some peace of mind early on and helped us start thinking about names and preparing the nursery. It was 100% accurate, it was a fun tool to use during pregnancy.

Vinitha Reddy
We used NIPTXY out of curiosity and even though it wasn’t a medical test, their customer service was amazing! They were very clear about the limitations and answered all our questions promptly. It was a positive experience overall.
Pooja Sharma

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Although the specifics of our algorithm are confidential, we consistently lead the way in scientific progress and incorporate pertinent insights to improve our predictions

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We are transparent about our process and strive to continuously improve our algorithm’s accuracy through ongoing research and development.

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