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Frequently asked Questions

NIPTXY can typically determine the baby’s gender with high accuracy as early as 9 weeks into pregnancy.

Yes, NIPTXY is known for its high accuracy in predicting the baby’s gender. The accuracy rate is generally above 99% for gender determination.

Yes, NIPTXY for gender prediction requires a sample from the pregnant individual and is usually performed at Home. Call us for clarification

NIPT gender prediction is highly accurate, but factors such as the mother’s weight, multiple pregnancies (e.g., twins), and certain medical conditions can potentially impact the accuracy.

Insurance coverage for NIPT varies, and it is often covered for high-risk pregnancies. However, coverage for gender prediction specifically may not be included, so it’s important to check with your insurance provider.

Yes, NIPTXY can be performed for gender prediction in the case of multiple pregnancies, but the accuracy may be slightly lower compared to singleton pregnancies. It’s recommended to discuss the specific circumstances with your healthcare provider.

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